Well, the most common way for people to become famous is to join in some famous contests, such as talent shows on TV. If you become the champion, you can easily become famous. Another ordinaryway to become famous is to be an actor and actress. If you appear in a very successful film and you do a good job, you become famous immediately. In a word, it’s very easy to become famous nowadays as long as you have your own stuff and you catch the chance to show it to other people.
分类结构也就是把问题分成平行的几个点,并对其一一进行讨论。在问答题中,分类讨论出现的频率颇高,常出现的问法有:What are the differences between…? Which one do you prefer…? What kinds of…? 这些问法在每次的雅思考试中占据了至少三分之一。但是很多考生在听懂整个问题后往往就会战战兢兢,语无伦次。有的时候其实只是问题听上去有一定的难度,但是如果大家能够进行分类讨论,那至少不会在逻辑上出现太大的错误,并且能够进行完整的作答。
以What are the differences between big companies and small companies?为例。大公司和小公司的区别在哪里,对于这一类典型指出类别的话题,大家可以用相同的比重对大小公司进行分类讨论,这样能让考生在说话的过程中明确自己的逻辑。以下是对问题的示范回答:
Well, big and small companies differ in the individual responsibilities. I mean as for big companies, there are various departments. So the division of responsibility of every employee is quite clear. For small companies, one has to shoulder several duties as the restriction of employees. Also, they are different in management. When it comes to big companies, employees usually have to obey different of rules of the company while for small companies, it is not so systematic so that there are not as many regulations as compared to the big ones.
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