e. Under-18 students must stay in their homestay until they turn 18. If they turn 18 in less than one month of being placed in their homestay, then point b (above) applies.
f. Homestay students will no longer be required to pay a bond. All property damage will be resolved by either the student paying the homestay family directly for the agreed-upon damage, or by the student using their insurance to pay for, or fix the agreed-upon damage. Academic holds will be made where students fail to pay for damaged property or pay outstanding debts (for example data usage). Students who fail to gain entry to EPP and who are redirected to the Campbell Institute will be required to pay a bond of $500 if they stay in a Victoria University homestay.
2018年已经过去了几个月了,如果您准备在2018年去新西兰留学那么您一定要好好准备,新西兰留学的相关的考试培训班也于近日开课了,有兴趣的同学可以进行咨询报名哦! 想要了解新西兰留学奖学金,新西兰留学奖学金申请条件,新西兰留学经历等信息的学生和家长,可以点击首页资讯直接在线进行一对一咨询哦!
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